WIFI Hotspot in Self-help Vending Machine
Date:2014-05-13 15:43:00

Self-help vending machine is a terminal that applied in populated area where people can self-service and pay, its convenience has become a trend in life.
Self-help vending machine is located in subway, factory and buildings, these places is filled with young people who have a strong demand for access to Internet.
Self-help vending machine with Four-Faith industrial 3g/4g router embedded can provide free WIFI, thus every self-help device is a WIFI hotspot itself, enable to provide internet service for space within 100 meters and support 64 users connection at the same time. By providing high speed internet access for all kinds of value-added service, self-service operators can bare interests from it.
TAGS: Self-help Vending Machine Self-help Device [Previous Page]
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