Date:2016-03-09 14:58:00

I heard in the goddess festival, the flowers match the goddess better

In the acient Greek mythology, the rose is  fulled with the love ad pretty, it is not only the beauty’s embodiment, but also dissolve into the Venus’s blood.

the goddess festival
during this flowers day

The man in the four-faith provide the rose and tthe potting which are fully with the love  for our company’s goddess.

It makes goddess happy.
Do not believe, you see.

The twoboys in the four-faith,hodding the rose and send them to the gddess.

The sisters must be already very happy.

Man release themselves just to make the girls’ happy.

Each girl with a potting, please take care of them .

What’s goddess’s response?
~let’s have a look~

The four-faith also give teh all goddess big welfare- the festival’s red packet+a half day holiday
because we hope all goddess
leave some time
take a rest
leave some time
read more books
leave some time
to think about the life
leave some time
to be youself’s queen

~In tthe end,enjoy the pretty mood after received the gifts.

38 festival

the four-faith wish the girls in the world,
have a happy festival, be happiness always.

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