More than 300 sets of industrial dual SIM router applied in the southwest land
Date:2013-05-16 14:11:00
In some illegal lands of the southwest or in the remote areas, due to the influence of inspection cycle, differences in geographical location, usually found the illegal behaviors by dynamic inspection and the year(season) satellite images, and there is the problem of the time lag, causing illegal facts exist and difficult to solve. Despite establishing the early investigation mechanism, still have to pay the higher law enforcement cost. Therefore, Four-Faith cooperative partner sets up land and resources video monitoring system to solve the problems, realizing passive law enforcement to active protection.
After many times of field investigation, Four-Faith engineers fully understand customers’ needs, customized video monitoring wireless data transmission solution. Facing the problems of outdoor fixed collection, bad natural climate, processing large data etc., Four-Faith industrial wireless router adopts solar power, 3G private line(VPDN & APN) networking, and transmits real-time target scene to command center. Four-Faith industrial wireless router F3B3X realizes from user equipment to command center of data transmission, with high bandwidth, highly reliable product characteristics in the system and achieve data stabilization and smoothly transmission.
The system has the characteristics of real-time, direct, 24-hour supervision, remote control etc., can make up for the lack of law enforcement vehicle inspection, satellite remote sensing in law enforcement supervision. Not only enhance the protection of land and resources, and strengthen law enforcement and supervision, but also creat new management mode of land and resources by modern technology.
TAGS: video monitoring system customized video monitoring [Previous Page]
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