What is Bonding and the Bonding's Advantages

Bonding Internet Lines WAN Media Networking Media

Bonding means real aggregation of bandwidth of all WAN media to be bonded. Bonding routers enable to bond different networking media such as DSL, 4G/LTE, or cable from multiple providers. The advantage of bonding int...
CNC Router Software for CNC Routers

CNC Router Software CNC Routers

CNC router software improves the machining automation by working in place of or in coordination with other manufacturing processes. The CNC router programs make the engraved products more accurate and consistent. Playin...
How the 5G Industrial Router will affect to us

5G Industrial Router Internet of Things 5G Cellular Network Smart Cities

Nowadays, in the rapid development of the Internet of Things and 5G cellular network technology, 5G industrial routers have been applied to various scenarios, such as smart city, smart factory, smart transportation, et...
What are the Difference of 4G Bonding Router and Ordinary Router

4G Bonding Router Ordinary Router Bonding Technology

Nowadays, many people are already getting familiar with routers. The routers that many people just using ordinary ones (home or business). Also, there is another kind of router called 4G bonding router. So here comes up a question, what is the difference between 4G bonding router?
What Look for in the 4G Router

4G LTE networks 4G router 4G networks 4G Connections

4G LTE networks have come a long way since the 3G. It is common to have a 4G connection that can provide throughput of tens of Mbps downlink and several Mbps uplink. Especially considering that you may not be ab...
What are 3G and 4G routers

4G routers 3G routers

The 3G/4G router can supply the wireless internet access in areas where it might be unavailable. Those routers are highly recommended use for indoor/outdoor scenarios with poor download/upload speed! 
5 Advantages of using the Industrial 4G router

4G cellular network Industrial 4G router

The 4G cellular network introduced in 2012, it iѕ ѕignifiсаntlу faster than 3G. And 4G LTE (Long Tеrm Evоlutiоn) with theoretical download ѕрееdѕ of 150Mbрѕ. Eѕѕеntiаllу, thiѕ iѕ сhаnging thе wау that for оur business, shop, bаnk, watch TV and соmmuniсаtе.
The Things You Need to Know About Industrial 4G Routers

Industrial 4G Routers Industrial Router

Because Industrial 4g router iѕ оn thе cutting еdgе of networking tесhnоlоgу, thеrе aren’t many rеѕоurсеѕ available оnlinе thаt idеntifу buѕinеѕѕ саѕеѕ fоr аdорting thе ѕеrviсе....
What Is the Industrial Cellular Network Router

Cellular Network Router Industrial Cellular Router Industrial IoT Application

Industrial cellular router is a device designed based on industrial grade components with the metal casing, and it is able to operate with wide operating temperature range(-35。C~+75。C) and harsh environment. Besides, it has common industrial protocols for IoT sensors and controllers to transfer the data to remote cloud server.
4G LTE Router can Soon Replace Wired WAN

4G LTE Router

4G LTE is the popular wireless communication technology that has been deployed all around the world. Does this mean a 4G LTE router is a candidate to replace your DSL, cable, or fiber modem soon?