Four-Faith has partnered with KORE Wireless

Four-Faith has partnered with KORE Wireless

Four-Faith has partnered with KORE Wireless, the world’s largest dedicated M2M wireless network provider, to include optional device connectivity for a range of products.
Four-Faith will attend the CommunicAsia2015

Four-Faith will attend the CommunicAsia2015

CommunicAsia2015, EnterriseIT2015, BroadcastAsia2015, the three most influential wireless communication industry event will be held on June 2nd to June 5th in  Bayfront Ave,Singapore.
Four-Faith communication won the best innovation application award

Four-Faith Won Power 100

Four-Faith communication" LED information remotely released system " with powerful features, won the best innovation application award.
Pursue the edge of innovation! Four-Faith attended MWC 2015

Pursue the edge of innovation! Four-Faith attended MWC 2015

MWC2015 was held in Barcelona on Mar.2-Mar.5 as scheduled. According to the global mobile communications association.
Why self-service terminal system integrator would like to choose Four-Faith?

Why self-service terminal system integrator would like to choose Four-Faith?

Just come and visit us in Guangzhou ( International Self-service & Digital signage Fair 2015, we will show details to you!
Faith Fund" founding conference held in Xiamen headquarters
"Solidarity Mutual aid and dedication of love" has always been the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation, and to promote “mutual love , all goodness , happy work, grow together, rich mission , willing to assume...
"Thanksgiving, Share, Change, Innovation" Four-Faith company growth high speed every year

"Thanksgiving Share Change Innovation " Four-Faith company growth high speed every year

On January 31, 2015, the air fulls of busy, joy and strong holiday atmosphere everywhere, the Four-Faith communication conference and awards ceremony was held in Xiamen Asia Gulf Hotel.
Four-Faith 4G wireless routers used in Chongqing “safe city” project

Four-Faith 4G wireless routers used in Chongqing “safe city” project

the four-faith Industrial 4G routers successfully passed the test of Chongqing "Safe City" project , will be installed on the lines of recent use .
Four-Faith attend Water Expo China

Four-Faith attend Water Expo China

On Dec 2th to Dec 5th, Water Expo China will be held on Beijing, which is held by China Institute of Water Resources. 
The France customers visited Four-Faith

The France customers visited Four-Faith

At the end of November, the France customers visited Four-Faith The visiting team is made up by the CEO, product manager and project manager, they have done technical review and production process audits.